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Results indicated that participants who reported a greater discrimination reported significantly higher symptoms of 1) depression, 2) anxiety, and 3) stress. Data were drawn from a sample of adult Latinx immigrants (n = 421) living in Arizona. In addition, this study examined whether hope and optimism serve as protective factors against the negative mental health impacts of discrimination among men and women. Using an Ecological Risk and Resilience Framework, this paper examines the relationship between perceived discrimination within the recent anti-immigration social context and the mental health of Latino immigrants in Arizona.

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The criminalization of Latinx immigration combined with anti-immigrant rhetoric from politicians and media outlets, have led to an array of poor psychosocial outcomes for those who arrive and remain within the United States. We concluded that meaning in life in university students can influence subsequent prosocial behaviors, directly, as well as through Ps圜ap. T2 Ps圜ap significantly mediated the influence of T1 meaning in life on T3 prosocial behavior (indirect effect = 0.10 95% CI ). The results showed that the association between T1 meaning in life and T3 prosocial behavior was significant before adding the mediator variables into the model (β = 0.10, p < 0.001). A total of 913 Chinese university students (25.6% males 70.3% females Mage = 19.63, SDage = 1.04) completed a Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), a Prosocial Tendencies Measure (PTM), and a Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PPQ) at three different times. Further extending this idea, we hypothesized and longitudinally tested the assertion that one of the potentials, yet overlooked and important mechanisms that mediates the association between current meaning in life and prosocial behavior among university students six-months later is psychological capital (Ps圜ap).

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We extend this logic to suggest that people higher in meaning in life will engage in more prosocial behaviors, compared to others.

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A central feature of meaning in life is the broad consideration of more than oneself. Meaning in life is a summative cognition of valuable goals, life purpose, and relationships among things and people.

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