When the alignment issues are moderate to severe, you might notice a pulling to the left or right, causing you to need more strength to keep the steering wheel in the proper position. While driving your vehicle, the handling might feel looser than usual.In some cases, you might feel a vibrating sensation when you are driving.Your steering wheel is no longer perfectly centered when you are driving straight ahead.You notice passive pulling, meaning that the car tends to drift in one direction when you are driving straight ahead.Your tires have uneven wear on the treads when you compare both front wheels.However, there are also some signs that might indicate that it is time to have this service performed on your vehicle, including: The general recommendation for a front-end alignment is approximately every 50,000 miles. These could include often driving on roads that are not well-maintained, hitting curbs, potholes, or certain driving habits. There are many reasons why your Front-End might fall out of alignment. This decreases steering column wear and helps to ensure that your vehicle has the right level of handling so that it is easier and more comfortable to drive. When your wheels are within the proper alignment, it can save your tires and reduce their overall wear, and it might also help to enhance your gas mileage. It is important to make sure that you can drive your vehicle safely. The purpose of a Front-End alignment is to ensure that your suspension components are adjusted to the proper angles. What Is the Purpose of a Front-End Alignment? Your technician can help you determine if you only need your front wheels aligned or if it is a good idea to take care of all four when you go in for an inspection. Overall, the services are mostly the same in terms of the process, its importance and when the service should be performed. In most cases, the primary difference between the two services is that a Front-End alignment focuses on the front two wheels while a wheel alignment is on all four wheels. How Does a Front-End Alignment Compare to a Wheel Alignment? This service is a part of the routine maintenance that all vehicles require to ensure that they remain in working order. When you own a vehicle, routine maintenance is critical for keeping it in good condition and preventing larger issues from happening. A vibrating or shimmying steering wheel on smooth road, means that you need to have it checked out by a trusted mechanic, you guessed it.You have probably heard of a Front-End alignment, but you might not be as familiar with what it is or why it is so important. If your steering wheel does not return to the center position or if the wheel feels sluggish or loose, it's a sign you may have alignment issues call 78. Call Good News Auto for your alignment today at 78. You may need to get a new tire or an alignment before the tire goes flat. Inspect the rubber closely for baldness on either side. Uneven tread wear on your tires can be a good clue that something is wrong with your alignment. This is extremely dangerous and should be immediately inspected by a mechanic at Good News Auto. Your car is probably out of alignment if you have to hold your steering wheel at an angle to drive straight. To drive straight, the logo on your steering wheel should be perfectly horizontal. While driving on a smooth and straight road, and the car veers to the right or left without you turning the wheel, you may need to get your car in for an alignment check, call 78.